Comments on: BEAUTY TIPS and SECRETS Wed, 24 Jul 2024 16:55:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: dusty Thu, 02 Sep 2010 19:38:36 +0000 Hey amy, Yeah I totally am with your sis, I had no idea that you had a site with all of these amazing tips. I feel like you have been holding out on all of us!!!! At any rate glad I can start checking out all of the ideas you love because I so agree with your sis. At any rate I wanted to tell you about the makeup artist that I watch often on you tube. Type in Kandee the Makeup artist. She has a ton of videos and I love her style etc so much.

At any rate I am loved seeing you the other day and am coming down again in the beginning of October. If you are in town we are planning a little cousins/ Dallyn’s birthday party. I say we because Lauren is hopefully makeing the trip with me. Hope you can make it and we’ll get an invite out to you soon as we figure out the details Love ya! Dusty

By: Ruby Jones Tue, 29 Jun 2010 03:19:02 +0000 one good beauty tip is to have sufficient rest, lots of fluid and nutitious foods.~`”
