Expressing Your Creativity: Making Handmade Cards

Greeting cards are very popular sentiments to give for holidays, celebrations and even sad occasions. Sometimes, though, you may find that you want something a little more personal than one you can find in the store racks. With just a few supplies, you can make your own cards and show the special people in your life just how creative you are.

Choosing Your Cardstock

Since paper crafts are widely abundant, there are multiple types of cardstock in varying weights and colors. Heavier papers, such as those weighing 110g and above, are good for longevity, particularly if you plan to add several decorative elements. You can also choose from different colors and patterns. Shimmery or metallic colors add a touch of elegance. Consider these for weddings, anniversaries, or birth announcements. Patterns add whimsy and the possibilities are endless. You can find modern designs such as Chevron and geometric shapes, or opt for classic designs like polka dots and stripes. For a bold look, combine different elements.

Decorating the Card

Once you’ve gotten your cardstock picked out, you have to decide how to decorate it. Peruse online sites such as Pinterest and Instagram for ideas that you can put your own spin on, or choose elements that represent the sentiment you’re looking to share. Paper flowers, washi tape and 3D vinyl stickers you can make with this vinyl cutting machine guide, all work well together and you can find them in a variety of different themes at your local craft store or online. Add glitter for sparkle or paint for a watercolor effect.

If you find that you’re making similar cards, such as those that reward young children for good behavior or good academics, a custom stamp from companies like Trodat Canada make it easy to maintain consistency. You can choose from several designs, or create your own for added personalization.

You don’t have to go overboard with decorating. You can keep it simple by digitally designing the card with graphics or photos, and then printing it out using a laser printing machine or inkjet printer from professional services like Alpha Print services. Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw are just a few programs you can use to get started.

Adding Personal Touches

A heartfelt message or poem is the perfect way to get your sentiment across to the recipient. Print it on a different sheet of cardstock and embed it in a paper frame to make it really stand out. Put some thought into the message and the occasion, and you’re guaranteed to have a card that your recipients won’t soon forget.

Taking it One Step Further

If you find that you enjoy the art of making your own cards, you can always start up a new crafty business using your newfound talent. List your creations on handcrafting sites such as Etsy or start your own Facebook store to show your family and friends what you can do. Chances are they’ll be more than happy to share your talent with their friends and family, and you will find yourself with more business than you ever expected.

Even if you only create cards for personal use, it’s an excellent way to express your creativity while simultaneously making the people in your life feel special. Shop for supplies with a specific theme or event in mind, then let your fingers do the dancing while you bring your imagined design to life.

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