Your Home’s Pipework

If you roll back the clock several years ago you will find that metal pipes were the favored choice for many when installing their water systems and well pumps. However, this is certainly no longer the case in most areas at least. In some others, well drilling services are alive and well, as many farms and places out of town use wells regularly. There are many different uses and circumstances for wells even today.

Whenever possible, most people seem to prefer plastic pipework connected to the cities water and sewage services. Still, pipe and well pump damages can happen to anyone. And if they do happen in your property, you can rely on a burst pipe restoration or a well pump repair company. If your drains keep getting blocked lately, it could be a sign that a residential drain cleaning is needed.

There are many reasons why plastic is now the plumbing experts’ preferred material for pipework. Not only is plastic more durable, but also it does not corrode or rust. Taking this into account, read on to discover all of the reasons why plastic pipes come highly recommended.


Cost Effective – First and foremost, plastic is a much more cost effective solution when compared with metal, but it can’t be used for your entire system like for Water Heaters. There are various reasons why this is the case. To begin with, plastic is a lot cheaper to produce than metal is. Nonetheless, the cost benefits don’t end there. In addition to this, plastic is a lot easier to transport because it is lighter than metal, thus you save on installation costs as well. Aside from this, you also have the added benefit that lifestyle costs are reduced. This is because plastic lasts a lot longer than metal does, which will be explained further in the next point…

Durable – In addition to the point that has already been mentioned, plastic is the preferred choice because it is much more durable and will last a lot longer than metal will. How is this so? Well, the main reason is because metal pipes corrode and rust over time, yet this does not happen to plastic. Rust and corrosion causes significant damage to the material and will result in leaks, and consequently costly repairs. Nonetheless, you do not need to worry about any of this if you opt for pipes that are made from plastic. Moreover, it also shows how you are getting more for your money as well. Plus, plastic can be used in so many different applications, from being used alongside the best well pump in your garden to even being used in industrial applications. 

Environmental Benefits – Aside from durability and cost effectiveness, another benefit associated with plastic pipes is the fact that they are better for the environment. This is especially important in the present day, as there is more and more emphasis placed on doing your bit to ensure you minimise the amount of pollution you are responsible for. Why is plastic the greener option? Well, firstly, it has low thermal conductivity, meaning it does not conduct heat as easily as metal. In addition to this, it is a better insulator against heat loss because the walls are thicker. When you take these points into consideration you see how you have less reliance on energy if you opt for plastic pipes over metal. 

The three benefits that have been mentioned aptly display how plastic pipework is the better choice when compared with metal. They last longer, are of a higher quality, are better for the environment and are more cost efficient. The only thing you need to do now is purchase the pipes you require. It is imperative to consider your option carefully. You have several different types of plastic to choose from, such as PB, PVC and more. Moreover, make sure you buy form a quality brand and that the walls are of the right thickness for the material that is going to be passing through. It is advisable to read reviews that have been left by previous customers. This will give you a good indication as to the level of quality you are likely to benefit from. 

What points do you need to consider when buying plastic pipes? 


In the world of pipework there has become an evident trend for plastic pipes. More and more companies are turning to this solution over metal for a whole host of reasons. Nonetheless, deciding to go for plastic is only the first part of the process. You then need to choose between all of the plastic pipes that are on the market today. After all, if you look on the Internet you will see that you have a whole host of options to choose from. This can be quite confusing and intimidating for a lot of people, especially those who are buying plastic pipes for the home for the first time. Thus, keeping that in mind, read on to discover the factors you must consider…


Brand – First and foremost, the brand of the pipes is important. After all, a quality brand tends to indicate a quality product. Moreover, there are some brands that are suited to some industries. For instance, you don’t want to opt for a brand that serves the construction industry if you are looking for agricultural pipework.


Type of Plastic – The next aspect you need to take into account is the type of plastic. From CPVC to PB, there are many different options to choose from. Not all plastics are the same. When it comes to PE and PB plastic, this is ideal for transporting materials that are gaseous or corrosive. Alternatively, one of the most well known types of plastic is PVC, and this is ideal for removing waste, drainage or venting. Finally, if you are looking for pipes for the transportation of water, then you should opt for CPVC plastic.


Price – Price is important when purchasing any product, and this is no different when it comes to plastic pipes. This does not mean you should go for the cheapest pipes you can find. It is all about finding the balance between price and quality. If you purchase something that seems too good to be true then the chances are it probably is. Instead, do your research in order to determine the average prices. Moreover, you should read reviews that have been left by previous customers as this is likely to give you a good indication as to whether the pipes are of a good quality or not.


Thickness of the Plastic – Last but not least, the final factor you need to bear in mind is the thickness of the plastic. There are two factors that must be taken into account when trying to determine the level of thickness you should for. Firstly, you need to determine the average volume for the material that is going to be transported through the system. The greater the volume is, the thicker the walls of the pipes need to be. In addition to this, you should also consider how frequently the pipes are going to be used. Pipes that are going to be used on a regular basis need to boast thicker walls because they need to be more durable. 

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