Fun Activities for Kids – Cattail Sword Fighting

cattail sword fightingYesterday, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, our kids were given the day off from school. So, naturally, as parents, we wanted to take them to do something fun. We’re always trying to think of fun activities for kids to do and our plan of action for the day was to take the kids on a hike, picnic and all! Little did we know that the funnest activity of the day would be cattail sword fighting!

In the area we live in, there’s not a lot to do in town besides eating out. So we headed out to an area known as Bonita Creek. It’s a river that winds it’s way through the hills just east of Safford Arizona.

We arrived at a picnic area, had our picnic, skipped some rocks in the river and before we knew it, were on the road exploring again. We were in search of an area we had been to nearly a decade ago.

We eventually rolled up on an area down in a canyon, next to a stream which crossed the road, where the cattails were extremely abundant and the temperature was a perfect seventy degrees. The setting was absolutely ideal!

Growing up in the desert, our kids seldom get the opportunity to mess around with cattails, much less go cattail sword fighting! And since their favorite show on Netflix right now is “Merlin,” they’re all really into the mid-evil stuff, including sword fighting. All we really wanted to do was show them how cool it was to see a cattail explode when bashed against a rock, but as usual, we took it a step farther.

So, of you’re looking for fun activities to do with kids, I’d highly recommend a cattail sword fight. If you can handle the mess (I barely did), then you will have a very memorable activity which your kids will love you for.

Enjoy the video!

Fun Activities for Kids – Cattail Sword Fighting

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