Why Epoxy Flooring Is Best for Your Kitchen

As one of the most durable and toughest finishes that can be applied to floors, Epoxy Flooring is perfect for especially high trafficked areas such as kitchens. They are most commonly known for use in commercial areas, or in garages, but the use of epoxy inside on floors in a home is becoming more common as people realize the benefits. In addition to protecting the floor, epoxy is perfect for an instant facelift for dated or worn out floors. From a range of color options, to durability, cleanliness, and more, there are numerous benefits that make epoxy flooring an optimal choice for your kitchen.

A Palette of Color and Design Options

As the kitchen is far more than just the place to cook, serving as the homework spot, the gathering spot at the end of the day and more, the color choices and durability of epoxy flooring have made it quite popular. Both industrial and residential kitchens can benefit from epoxy coatings.

Useful to create a shine that is beautiful and eye-catching, the options for epoxy coatings range from solid hues to custom blends of color flakes, creating a truly unique floor suitable to any individual’s taste. In a blended option, the color flakes remain distinct. This makes it perfect for a themed floor and creates a lively color palette to complement the kitchen aesthetic.

Epoxy-Enhanced Paints vs Epoxy Coating: The Difference in Durability

Epoxy coating is completely different from paint, which is also becoming a common way to spruce up a floor indoors. Some paints may have a small amount of epoxy added to them for increased durability, but they are still paints.

When applied as a floor covering, epoxy is a resin that is temperature activated and formed from a ratio of epoxy resin and polyamine hardener. The hardener is what gives epoxy flooring its incredible strength, no matter the number of feet that walk on it, or dishes dropped on it. Unlike with conventional flooring options like wood or tile, with epoxy flooring, it is far more likely that you will hurt your dish than damage an epoxy covered floor. Epoxies are very heat resistant, and up to five times stronger than normal floors.

When both the surface that the epoxy is going to be put on and the epoxy are properly prepared, they tenaciously bond together, resulting in a superior floor for both durability and strength.

Stain Resistant and Cleaner

Aside from the beautiful appearance of the floor, Miracote suggests that the epoxy provides a hardened application that is very thick, and completely resilient to stains, impacts, surface abrasions, and chipping. Also, some coatings can be designed to help combat germs, such as those used in hospital settings. These Epoxy Floor Coatings are particularly beneficial for kitchen settings and the amount of food processed through them.

Great for Updating Dated Floors

If you are in need of updating your kitchen floor due to chips, cracks or stains, Vinyl floors are the way to go. Darker hues or different designs of Vinyl Flooring can help camouflage prior damage.

Epoxy’s smooth and solid surface makes cleaning it far easier than most kitchens that feature wood or tile. The surface will be impervious to moisture, which means that you don’t have to fear leaving a puddle of mop water on it. It will not swell like wood floors, nor will it stain like tile floors. As such a resistant material, it can be cleaned with just mild soap and water, but harsher chemicals will not damage the colour or shine to it if they are accidentally spilled or used. In addition, as the kitchen is an area that is prone to slipping, a sort of aggregate can be added to the epoxy to combat slippage, while still making it a solid surface.

In Conclusion

Epoxy flooring is quickly gaining traction for use in different parts of the house due to its ease of application, durability, and design options. Professionals can quickly install these floors to provide a beautiful and durable floor that is perfect for an area like a kitchen, which undergoes high traffic volume and sees a lot of mess caused by food and its preparation.

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