Why Frugal and Stylish Don’t Have to be Mutually Exclusive

If nothing else, capitalism teaches us that if you want high quality and great style, you have to spend a lot. You can see why – this is the best way for people to make more money! But, the reality is that quality and style don’t have to be expensive. In fact, frugality demands that you choose the highest quality you can afford. 

frugal and stylish furniture

Image Credit: Pexels CC0 Licence 

Being frugal is a lifestyle choice but this doesn’t mean that you have to change everything about yourself or make sacrifices at home. Frugality is simply about spending more thoughtfully and choosing the items that make you happy, represent good value for money and fit with your budget. 

So, here are a few tips to get you started. 

Research Before You Buy

Anything you buy should fulfill a particular need so researching a range of suitable products is always a good idea. This means that you should keep an open mind while shopping and try not to limit yourself to a particular product or design too early on. 

For example, you might decide that you need some blinds to block light in your bedroom at night. But blinds aren’t the only solution to this problem. Taking a look at different kinds of curtains as well could open up a new opportunity and solve further problems at the same time. Deconovo thermal curtains wouldn’t just block the light, they would also keep the heat in overnight, reducing your energy bills. Win-win! 

Set a Budget 

Setting a budget at home fits neatly with working out what good value for money looks like. Good value is slightly different for every product but broadly it should conform to as many of your needs as possible such as: longevity, quality, materials, style and usefulness. The more boxes a product ticks, the better value it is likely to be. 

When you set your budget, you should always consider how much you have to spend as well as how much you could save if you are willing to wait. A good way to find the perfect product on a small budget is to look in second-hand shops. Second-hand furniture is often much cheaper than new furniture and, in most cases, is better built to last too. 

Choose Items That Last 

Buying things to last is far more popular in light of the environmental crisis. This is great news because more companies are putting effort into selling products you don’t need to buy over and over again. Disposable is going down and reusable is certainly in vogue. 

However, it is worth pointing out that reusable products are often more expensive. While this might be off-putting to begin with, one calculation will show you why these products are still the best frugal choice. Simply divide the price with the number of expected uses and you will see how much cheaper it will be than buying new every single time. 

Frugal living doesn’t mean that you have to adhere to a particular style or make any radical changes. All you have to do is think about what value means to you and shop with purpose. 

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