How Can You Get Your Home Ready For Your First Baby?

Becoming a new parent is exciting yet incredibly daunting, you have nine months before their arrival where you need to make some drastic changes to your life to ensure everything is ready in time. One of these changes may well be your home, as of course, you’ll need a save, cosy and comfortable space in which to raise your baby. Here are a few things to consider when you’re prepping for bringing home your first baby. If you would actually like to find a bigger home for your growing family, check out lowcountry real estate for many great options. 

home your first baby

Do you need to move to a new house?

First things first, is the home you’re in right now suitable for a baby? Maybe you’re in a one bedroom apartment, or perhaps there are lots of steps to get to your home and no lift. It might be a case that you’re not keen on the area you’re in for raising a child in, or you might just want more space and a garden. Babies might be small but they do have a lot of stuff, and in a tiny home you can quickly struggle finding places to put things like prams, cribs, baby baths, baby clothes and everything else that will come along with your new arrival. Although your baby wont need their own room right away, they will eventually. So if you’re in a position to search for single family homes and move now, it gives you time to get settled- and means you won’t have to go through the hassle in a year or two with a small child in tow. Buying and selling your home can be a bit of a stressful process, but there are some ways you can make it easier. For example, here are 3 reasons to sell your home to an investor instead. Whether you’re buying or renting, spend time making sure that the place you’re moving to is right for you, check out crime rates in the area, consider the space and whether you’ll need it bigger in case you grow your family more later on.

Organize and declutter

Even if you don’t need to move house, chances are there are some significant changes you’ll need to make to prepare it for your first child. The first is making space, if you have a spare room at home it’s probably currently being used as an office, a guest room or just a junk storage area. You’ll want to clear all of this out and turn it into a nursery, while your baby won’t be sleeping in there right away, it makes sense to get the room set up as you can use it for keeping their clothes, spare nappies, you can set up a changing area and a chair for feeding. Other areas in your home you might need to declutter to free up some extra space, you can always sell or donate items you don’t use. It can be a good idea to go with a more minimal home when you have a baby, as it makes it much easier to clear. Instead of lots of fussy decorative items that you’ll need to spend ages dusting, go with one or two key pieces. You could even change the decor, for example painting the walls with a wipeable paint so that any spills and mess over the years can easily be cleaned off without having to keep decorating. Think of things that you can do now which will make life easier in the long run. You can also try using London Pound Cake Strain to help with the stress. 

Make it safe

Finally, safety is key when you have a baby. Install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to alert you to any danger, and install fire extinguishers where needed. Check that windows and doors are safe, and get into the habit of keeping things like medicines and cleaning chemicals out of reach. It will be some time until your newborn is moving around and these things are an issue, but there’s no harm in thinking about it now. Other safety things to consider are installing blinds that are safe against choking (string cords and certain blinds can be very dangerous if a toddler climbs up and gets tangled in them). And making sure carpet and flooring is safe and not loose, the last thing you want is to trip over it while holding your baby. Do some research online, and go through your home ensuring that everything is safe and secure. After that, hire a photographer like this Raleigh photographer to capture your first moments together in your home.

What kind of adjustments did you/ will you make to your home in preparation of bringing your first baby home? 

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