5 Signs the Water from Your Tap is Contaminated

One of the biggest luxuries we take for granted is fresh tap water. If we get thirsty, all we have to do is go to any tap in the house and pour ourselves a glass of clean and clear water, especially if we know that our water is coming from a local source of water and that we provide water softener maintenance. However, sometimes the water doesn’t look so clean and can have a funny smell. If this is the case in your home, then your water may be contaminated and having a new water well installation and water well testing might be the only option to keep clean water flowing into your home. Some people swap straight over to mineral water or bottled water, and you can get yours at https://customwater.com/. There are 5 signs to look out for.

tap water


If you drink plain water on a regular basis, then you will know that water does have a taste and it can taste different depending on your area. Some people like to purchase varying volumes of bottled water to drink, or use water filtration systems in order to drink water basically straight from the tap. For those that don’t even use a filtration system, they might at some point find that the taste of the water at home has gone off. This is most likely a sign that you have some poor-quality or contaminated water. Common tastes to look out for include oily, fishy, metallic or bitter taste. Fortunately, water filters, water softener or home water treatment systems can fix this issue.


When water smells bad, it can be off-putting. If your tap water has a strong smell of chlorine, don’t panic, as this is added to the public water supply to kill harmful bacteria and microorganisms. If your water smells of rotten eggs, it will be because of excess sulfur. This mineral is naturally occurring and isn’t harmful, it’s just very unpleasant. Again, installing a water filter, commercial water purification systems or calling a Business Water Purification service can solve both of these issues.


Most municipal water systems will not filter out naturally occurring substances and minerals from your tap water. These harmless compounds can make your water look foamy or cloudy. However, if this cloudy appearance does not disappear over a period of time, then it could be caused by bacteria. If these problems are persistent, then you will need to get your water tested for contamination.


Nothing is more off-putting than seeing dirt or other sediments in your tap water. This can come straight out of the tap or settle at the bottom of your basin. In most cases, these sediments will not harm you and won’t be dangerous, but it does not mean that you feel comfortable drinking this water. Suggest to your water services to use biological nutrient removal as a great way to remove sludge in your water. A point-of-use sediment filter can be installed to remove sediments in drinking water.


Hard’ water naturally occurs in some parts of the United States. This water contains a high amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium, which can leave behind scale deposits on serving pieces, plumbing, and glassware. This can reduce the lifespan of your boiler, water heater, and other appliances. Fortunately, this can be fixed by installing a water treatment system to get rid of excess minerals.

As you can see, one of the most effective ways to improve the safety, taste, and appearance of your tap water is by installing a home water treatment system that includes a reverse osmosis filtration system. Knowing your resources and listening out to government advice will help keep you aware of any contamination or issues. You can also use water purification systems to effectively eliminate bacteria, mold, viruses, lead, arsenic, and other toxic materials that can easily find their way through your pipes and into your drinking glasses.

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