4 Signs That You Need To Secure Your Home

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There are more fun things to do than survey your home and make it more secure. It’s dull and boring and scary at the same time. Homeowners much prefer decorating or making repairs, which is why burglars strike every 21 seconds in the US. So, though it might not be exciting, it is essential to keep you and your family safe.


The key is to spot the signs before the thieves do, or else they’ll grab their opportunity with both hands. Here, then, are four of them to watch out for and the solutions.


Thick Foliage


Plants and flowers look incredible, but they also provide burglars with places to hide. Thanks to shrubs and bushes, they can take their time and find a weak spot without any disturbances. You want them to be in full view at all times, which is why thick foliage isn’t a security feature. The good news is you can cut them back with hedge trimmers. If there are any trees near windows and doors, you might want to get rid of them for good because they act as easy entry points for thieves.


Weak Garage Door


All doors and windows are a security nightmare because they are the best ways to enter a home. If they are weak, a thief will have no problem walking in and out with all of your valuables. However, garage doors are particularly problematic as homeowners don’t understand they are an asset for burglars. Not only do you store lots of stuff in there, but lots of them connect to the house and make it easier to break in. A garage door repair service is the only option if it’s broken beyond repair. Yes, you can do it yourself, yet you know a professional will uphold high standards for the sake of your safety.


Team Tools


Speaking of doing it yourself, do you enjoy DIY? Homeowners tend to because it’s a cheap and effective method of upgrading a home and fixing its faults. If you take it seriously, you’ll probably have lots of tools such as ladders, screwdrivers and wrenches, all of which are out in the open in the garden. They need moving ASAP because these are assets for a burglar who can use them to break into your house. And, if you store them in a shed, be sure to add extra security measures such as a lock and a deadbolt.


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No Technology


The tech revolution is a scary one because you don’t know what big firms do with the data. However, from a security standpoint, there is nothing safer than a smart home. After all, you can tinker with the settings and tailor them to your needs. If, for example, you’re away for the weekend, the lights will come on at a specific time to keep thieves at bay. Also, a live feed allows you to check-in and keep an eye out for any intruders.


Spot something dodgy and you can call the authorities and alert them to the problem.


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