5 Jobs to Tackle When Deep Cleaning Your Home

Deep Cleaning Your Home

Image: https://www.pexels.com/search/cleaning/


Keeping the home clean and tidy really is an ongoing process, there are so many different jobs to tackle. On top of the regular tasks that you do each week, every few months or once a year, there are additional things that you need to do to keep your home clean and organized and free of nasties. If you don’t have the time to keep your home clean and organized, we suggest that your hire a professional house cleaning company or commercial janitorial services. These cleaning experts can provide professional cleaning services and do the work for you. Here are 5 examples from the Eco Clean Solutions website. If you are moving from your home you should check out the end of tenancy cleaning prices from this company, the way you can leave the place clean. 



Carpets give the house a real warm and cosy feel, the only problem is that in terms of floor coverings, it’s not the most practical material. Carpets can cling onto stains and smells, harbour bacteria, trap pollutants, toxins and all kinds of other nasties. For this reason, once a year it’s worth cleaning your carpets to help to freshen them up again; you can hire carpet cleaners for a day or two really cheaply and it’s a powerful cleaner that’s easy to use. Otherwise, have a professional carpet cleaning company come in and do the job for you.


Soft furnishings

As well as carpets, don’t neglect your other soft furnishings. Chances are you wash your bedding once every week or two, but things like cushion covers, curtains and throws often get overlooked. They don’t need washing as regularly, but every season or so it’s worth putting them into the machine and getting rid of any germs that have accumulated. Be sure to read the labels, things like curtains can shrink and if they do they’ll no longer fit your windows! So wash and dry with care. 



Most of our regular kitchen cleaning involves wiping down worktops, the hob of the cooker, the sink and the floors. Less regularly, jobs like oven and fridge cleaning get done. But when was the last time you took everything out of your cupboards and disinfected them- as well as on the top? When was the last time you cleaned your bin, or pulled out your big appliances and got rid of the gunk behind them? These jobs are easily missed, so again every few months make a mental note to get them done. Your kitchen will smell clean and will have a much fresher and cleaner feel to it. 



Again, even if you regularly clean your toilet, sink and bath, there are often jobs in this room that tend to accidentally get skipped and so need to be tackled during a deep clean. Pull out everything from your bathroom storage cupboard, throw away any expired or leaking products and disinfect all of the shelves. Give the floor a thorough clean, as well as the tiles behind the toilet. A Tile Grout Cleaning Service may also be needed to remove the dirt that has built up in between the tiles. If you have a bathroom medicine cabinet or wall mounted cupboard, be sure to clean on top of this, it can be a real dust trap. There are several bathroom cleaning products with Aqua Ammonia that are very effective in deep cleaning most bathroom surfaces. You can also add a few toilet drops to the toilet before you go and experience a refreshing scent.


Behind large furniture

Speaking of dust traps, large furniture throughout the home can often hide a ton of dust. Pull out your bed, sofa, book cases and chests of drawers and vacuum behind them, you could consider using different hoover vacuum parts so you can vacuum any part of your home. If you suffer with allergies or just find yourself with a watering nose or sneezing at night, chances are there’s dust in the room that you don’t know about. 

It is understandable if hectic work schedule prevents you from doing the cleaning. With the help of routine house cleaning solutions offered by cleaning companies, you can focus on your work or other tasks without compromising the cleanliness and safety of your home. You may also hire a chimney cleaning company every now and then to get rid of dust and soot build up in your chimney.

Citation: https://parkpl.co/executive-rentals

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