Comments on: Modest Barbie Mon, 30 Mar 2020 02:46:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roxanne Mon, 30 Mar 2020 02:46:04 +0000 man- as a kid I always played with naked barbies but would have loved my mom to help me make cute underwear for them- I never understood why they didn’t get some! (I had 2 that did and loved it) it’s not about teaching our kids that our bodies are dirty or being ashamed of them- totally opposite! You don’t leave your most valuable things out for the world to see. Our bodies are so special we need to treat them that way! When we are married we give our whole naked selves to our loving husband and he gives his whole naked self to us and together we create a bond like no other and form a family. No wonder we have so many broken marriages if our children aren’t being taught how special that is. Also- on another note, most of us grew up in a world without internet or sex Ed being taught in kindergarten. Take a minute to think about the way that has changed perspectives and what our children are exposed to (which is very different than what we had) it is comparing apples to oranges. ???? have fun playing!

By: Debbie Al-Harbi Sun, 11 Sep 2016 01:36:48 +0000 I know two places you can get handmade beautiful modest Barbie clothes with Barbie shoes, Velcro, handmade pocketbook,necklace and bracelet sets. and

By: Debbie alharbi Tue, 02 Aug 2016 20:09:15 +0000 I just wanted to add I took down but two more are still up and all proceeds goes to charity they are and i reduced the prices from 3.99 with fancy Barbie shoes and Velcro all the way up to 15.99 with handmade matching pocketbook, Velcro of course, fancy Barbie shoes, and handmade 14 Karat gold filled necklace with a pearl or matching crystal. now have over 50 choices and will have up to 500 choices in three months.thanks for letting me post this and by shopping at either site your doing a good deed because all monies raised goes to charity. Debbie Al-Harbi any questions write me at

By: Shirley Sat, 23 Jul 2016 14:07:10 +0000 Thank you so much for this suggestion! My granddaughter wanted a daddy doll to go with her mommy.I couldn’t find one anywhere with permanent clothes. I have craft paint but never thought about this.I will definitely be painting a “daddy ” for her today. Thank you again! This is a great way to help your children learn modesty as they grow up. GOD Bless you for the help !

By: Debbie alharbi Sat, 09 Jul 2016 02:56:00 +0000 i know of three places you can buy handmade modest barbie clothes. and a new site that the owner is adding ten to twenty more outfits each week.

By: Tina Sun, 13 Mar 2016 21:56:39 +0000 Ridícula, es solo una muñeca.

By: Winushka Fri, 01 Jan 2016 15:38:34 +0000 I appreciate how you saw these children’s disappointment and did something for them. That’s really nice of you…

For people who are offended by nakedness of a chunk of plastic… They must have too much time and less problem in their lives. There are millions of mom and children who are struggling or starving somewhere. I prefer to spend my time with them and show my daughter what should be our priorities in life. Making a vinyl doll modest is not one of them.

By: David Allred Tue, 17 Nov 2015 23:36:26 +0000 In reply to Aileen.

Aileen, you’ve just given huge credit to the creators of Barbie for comparing them to Michelangelo’s artwork!

On a side note, your comment is irrelevant. Just because someone famous, a long time ago, created a naked sculpture, doesn’t make it fit for children to play with. We’ve been to Rome and have seen his work, and it’s amazing, but that doesn’t make me want to create miniature versions of it to give as birthday gifts for my girls. Think about it.

By: Aileen Tue, 17 Nov 2015 21:13:10 +0000 Maybe we could write to the Italian government to suggest using permanent markers to cover Michelangelo’s David.
Imagine all those poor Americans who have been embarrassed by seeing the human form in all its glory.
So sad.

By: Stephanie Nash Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:03:35 +0000 I love this idea! I teach my children modesty, as part of our religious as well as personal values. I want my daughters to attract a husband when the time comes with her personality and wit, not her body. The same goes for my son, it’s not strictly a value we place on girls alone! I love the idea of teaching them this life lesson with Modest Barbie. She’s still beautiful without flaunting her body. People have different mindsets and values and just because someone doesn’t have the same ideas as you is no reason to verbally attack them! Plus I think the underclothes on the Barbies are just plain cute!
