How to Prepare Your Vacation Rental for Summer

summer vacationThe summer season will be here before you know it, and that also means vacation time for many. Nowadays, there are a lot of people looking for properties for rent throughout the vacation. If you purchased one of the Luxury Log Houses For Sale and converted it into a summer rental, now is the time to prepare yourself for a profitable vacation season. If you have questions regarding your vacation rental property, you can consult a vacation property management group for advice. A property management company will usually be in charge of the maintenance work, marketing of the property and taking care of the guests.

Deep Clean Your Rental

It’s time to dust off the cobwebs if your rental has been dormant since last summer. Whether or not you continuously rent out your property during the year, you will have to perform a thorough cleaning to make sure it is pristine for each new guest. If it’s been a while since you have visited, take a look at the property and examine it for any sign of wear and tear. This is also a great time to test your ac unit and if it’s not functioning well after being idle for a long time, you may need to contact an ac repair technician to fix it before your guests arrive. You will also need to dust, vacuum, sweep, mop, and rid all of the surfaces of scuffs and stains. You can hire commercial cleaning services or janitorial services to maintain the cleanliness for you. Every time guests enter, they should feel like they are in a pristine and warm environment. Likewise, when guests leave you should always inspect the property for any minor damage and clean for the next arriving party.

Provide a Luggage Rack

It is an easily overlooked feature, but a luggage rack makes all the difference for guests when they arrive. A luggage rack is a touch of thoughtfulness and an excellent way of keeping their suitcase off your furniture.

Check out the Jungle Vista Inn website to see how they tend to their guests.

Provide a Welcome Basket

A welcome basket is a sweet and unexpected gift that will always put a smile on your guest’s face. Do not be afraid to get creative with your welcome basket by including local snacks and classic favorites. Be sure that before you put a welcome basket together, you first ask the guests ahead of time if they have any food or nut allergies. Feel free to include snacks that reflect the area your rental is in, such as local coffee, artisan baked goods, seasonal fruits, and even a bottle of wine from your local winery. Be sure to include a handwritten welcome note to show your appreciation.

Include Books, Magazines, and Games

Most couples, friends, or families who stay at your seasonal rental would love to have some free entertainment readily available. Chances are, whether they are out and about most of the day or they stay in, a little something to do will make them feel at home. Provide familiar games like Scrabble, Monopoly, and Jenga. Also provide up to date magazines and a few classic books that they can peruse during their stay.

Sneak in Some Snacks

Everybody likes food, especially if it’s free food. There may be a lot of tasty restaurants in the area, but what about when they are lounging or getting ready to go out? A few snacks will certainly go a long way. Take the extra effort to get them crowd-pleasing snacks to tide them over before they go to that world-famous sushi restaurant downtown.

Leave More Supplies than They Need

Always triple check before you open your doors to make sure your guests will have everything they need for their stay. Check all of the bathrooms to make sure they are fully stocked with toilet paper, towels, hand towels, and clean washcloths. In addition, be sure all of the kitchen utensils are clean, and that kitchen towels and paper towels are ready. Stock the hall closet or kitchen with extra trash bags as well. It may also be thoughtful to include a first aid kit in the closet. By giving the guests more than they need, they can be reassured that they never have to go out for supplies and they can rely on you to make them feel at home.

Go Above and Beyond Guest Expectations

There are many things you can do to go above a guest’s expectations. For example, you may include a guide on sights to see in your area, and events they can’t miss. You may also list your favorite restaurants and the best places to experience local culture. Feel free to contact them ahead of time and ask them if they already have plans for their stay or if they would like advice from a local on where to go.

Renting out your property for seasonal guests should be a fun and financially rewarding endeavor but if you don’t have the time or skills, you may hire a property management company to help you out. If you are opening your rental up again for long-term summer tenants, be sure you use tenant criminal background checks to get high-quality renters and ensure your property is in the right hands during the holiday season.

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