Fun Kid Activities for the Summer

Good IdeasI wanted to share an Idea I had last summer.  We did this with our girls and I thought everyone would love to do this with their children.  It makes summer so much fun, and gives the kiddos something to look forward to each week.

There are a ton of summer camps out there and available, and if your not careful, you could spend a small fortune entering all your kids in every summer camp they desire.

So, Dave and I compiled a list of summer camps our girls seemed interested in and we are *Parent-Hosting* our own for the girls.  This could even be done with cousins or other neighbor kids and parents.  Each week of the summer we are doing a different camp.
*The first week, we went on a camping and fishing trip, so we had * fishing/outdoor camp, in preparation for the fun we would have.
*The Second week, we did *Snorkel/Mermaid Camp and girls did amazing.  The great part about this idea, is that each child gets a lot of one on one time with the instructor and doesn’t get lost in the crowd of kids.

We also have *Basketball Camp, *Softball Camp, *Cheer Camp, *Golf Camp,  *Super Mom/Future Princess Camp (this one they learn to sew, cook, do the dishes, laundry, and other mom things that they will one day use when they become the Queen’s of their own Castles).

The camp is done for 1 hour for 5 days during the week, and at the end of the week, there is a small demonstration test where each child demonstrates what she has learned during the camp, and is then rewarded with a patch symbolizing the camp. The girls can put them wherever they want. In fact, our girls have chosen to have them all over their backpacks, so when they arrive at school again, they can show their friends all the fun camps they had during the summer.  Anyways, the girls are loving it and really looking forward to each week and the new camp they get to enjoy! Just one of my good ideas that I thought you might be interested in!!
Having children is such a blast!  Take time to Enjoy them.

Good Ideas


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