Mother’s Day

I just wanted to take the time to say Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there, but most importantly to my own mother.  My mom, probably won’t even read this, and that’s okay, but I just want to say “thank you mom, for giving birth to me and for caring and loving me as a small child, and especially now as big grown up kid.   I value our friendship, our phone calls, our laughter together, and above all…the love that is shared between mother and daughter, between us.  How very blessed I am to call you ‘mom’ and my children are to call you ‘grandma.’  I have needed you more now, as an adult, than ever before, and you’ve been there.  I am grateful for your hugs, and truly feel your overwhelming love when you share them with me.  You are a remarkable person, with a beautiful voice and smile.  I know the world is a better place because you are in it.  Thanks for being such a wonderful mom!”

Good Ideas**I’ve carried a child within my body. Slept with a baby on my chest. I’ve kissed boo boo’s and mended a broken heart. I’ve been puked on, pee’d on, pooped on and spent sleepless nights in the rocking chair, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. My body isn’t magazine perfect, but when I look in the… mirror I see a MOM, and there is no greater honor or blessing! **Good Ideas

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