V8 V-Fusion® Refreshers

V8 V-Fusion® Refreshers…Seriously so yummy!
So my family loves to drink!
Yep, we are a bunch of drinkers around here!
but, not the kind of drinkers you were probably thinking about.
We love water, flavored water, milk, chocolate and strawberry milk, apple juice,
other flavored juices, and even a  little soda pop here and there.
Maybe it’s because we live in the hotter parts of Arizona and we are always suffering from
cotton mouth (a disgusting case of dry mouth, that can almost look like we have rabies!)
ew gross, right!?
So, drinking a lot is our cure for thirsty, dry mouths.
V8 has just recently came out with these VERY delicious drinks called, V8 V-Fusion® Refreshers,
and they sent us a few for *FREE* (can I get a woo hoo) to try out.
ps., I received product for no charge
And might I just say, “mmmmm, these are yummy!”
Our entire family loved them, even our little guy (who is a very picky drinker!)

4 Flavors V8 V-Fusion Refreshers
V8, actually makes 4 different flavors of these, and
we got two of the V8 V-Fusion® Refresher flavors to try.
The first one we drank was “Tangerine Passionfruit” and it was definitely my favorite flavor.
Reminded me of that time I was in Rome….
(hehe….I think people just say that stuff as they look off into the distance, reminiscing of a past life experience)
But really it did.  We went to Rome once, and I was really thirsty,
and I finally found a little drink stand, and it had this wonderful juice that tasted similar.
From then on, everywhere I went throughout Rome, I searched for the yummy juice!

V8 V-Fusion RefreshersHere is Maximus, taking a big ol’ swig from the “Tangerine Passionfruit.”
It was basically all that was left in the bottle because we loved this one so much.

Drinking V8 V-Fusion Refreshers
Second flavor we drank was the V8 V-Fusion® Refreshers “Black Cherry Berry.”
This one was so good too.  It truly tasted like we were drinking fresh berries.
If I brought this one to a party, I could almost disguise it in a typical kitchen pitcher
and pretend that I had squeezed each and every berry that was in it.
(but who does that??)
The “Real Slim Saydee” really liked the “Black Cherry Berry” flavor!
Cup after cup, we had to slow our little drinker down with some food!Pouring "V8 V-Fusion" RefreshersOk, so here’s the facts about this stuff.
It is made with both fruit and vegetable juices, and it’s naturally sweetened.
V8 V-Fusion
® Refreshers contains no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives,
and most importantly, its a great source of Vitamin C.
(which I hear it’s way better to get your vitamin c from juice, than to chew up a vitamin!)
So go get you some!
ps…definitely start with the ” Tangerine Passionfruit”,  it’s so good!

Visit http://v8juice.com to check out all the yummy flavors!


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