How to Keep a Clean Home During Summer Break

Just as the school year tends to fly by for parents, summer break always seems to sneak up on us. With this school vacation looming in the near future, your mind may be scrambling to think of kid-friendly activities that will keep your children entertained all throughout their break.

As far as indoors activities go, you will most likely spend a lot of time painting t-shirts and canvases, baking cupcakes and cookies, and making popsicles to fight off the heat. Meanwhile, you may be prepping water balloons to throw in the backyard or going on an outdoors trip to the park, pool, or beach. Once your children are done having their fun running through the sprinklers or having a flour fight in the kitchen, they will leave quite the mess in their wake.

clean home during summer

The clean-up involved with the wake of a child enjoying their newfound freedom is nothing to joke about. Here are a few tips to help your home make it through all the summer fun your children have planned:

1.    Keep it Easy

When summer fun is in full swing, you probably don’t want to spend large amounts of time cleaning when instead you could be frolicking in a pool or at the beach enjoying family time with your young ones. Live a double life of a parent who keeps a clean home while simultaneously maximizing the time they spend with their family by making your life easier wherever you can.

Try maintaining shower cleanliness after each wash by spraying an easy leave-on cleaner after each use. Another tip is to keep cleaning wipes on hand to quickly wipe down counters at the end of each day. Making small adjustments like this can significantly decrease the frequency of your bathroom and kitchen deep cleanings.

2.    Give Yourself a Break

Many people love keeping an organized, clean house. However, sometimes you just need to accept that you are so busy that the full cleaning simply won’t happen that day – or even that week. We’re not saying to just completely let the cleanliness of your home go, but it is alright to take a break now and then.

During times like these, cut yourself some slack and consider hiring a part time domestic cleaner. A maid can be just the help your hope needs sometimes, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your valuable time with your family while your mind is at ease knowing that your home is getting a thorough cleaning.

3.    Create a Cleaning Schedule

If you haven’t implemented a cleaning schedule before, you will be surprised by what a difference this list can make. Create a daily list of “to-dos” that break down your cleaning tasks to best fit with the schedule your family keeps. For example…

–      Every Day

Do the dishes and sweep or vacuum all of the main living areas. Wipe down your kitchen counters after use and do all dishes before bed. Make beds each morning.

–      Monday

Change bed sheets and wash the old ones. Contact Bed Bug Inspection New York City NY for deep cleaning. Vacuum the house.

–      Tuesday

Bathroom cleaning day! Mop the bathroom and laundry room, and then wipe down your bathtubs and showers. Clean all toilets.

–      Wednesday

Wash a load of laundry if needed. Clean all glass and mirrors in the home.

–      Thursday

Dust décor and furniture. Wipe down kitchen appliances.

–      Friday

Vacuum the entire house and wash a load of laundry.

4.    Get Your Kids Involved

This tip can go hand in hand with the cleaning schedule or chore list that you create for the week. Make sure your children know what their daily responsibilities are, such as making their beds and doing their dishes, as well as bigger weekly chores if necessary such as mopping, vacuuming, or laundry.

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