Natural Sports Odor Eliminator Spray

Stinky shoes signHave you even been casually driving somewhere in your car, maybe home from picking your child up from basketball practice, when you suddenly start smelling the most intense, rank smell radiating from the general direction of the child you just picked up? So you quickly roll down the windows and start asking questions.

Turns out that your child just took their shoes off, and out came that nasty smell. So in the house you send them to wash their feet…but what do you do about the shoes?

Well, my advice is to go the natural route of getting rid of odor. It seems to work better anyway. Most people would go directly to their baking soda, but that also builds up a film inside the shoe. So aside from giving the shoes a good wash in the washing machine, I’d recommend trying a natural, liquid spray.

natural odor eliminator sprayI’ve been using the natural sports eliminator spray from Simply Earth, which is a company that takes pride in producing ALL NATURAL products, they sent me this odor eliminator spray to try out, no charge, in exchange for my feedback.

So where do you think I used it first? You bet, stinky shoes.

It’s a mixture of two of the best odor eliminator aroma’s in existence….lemon and mint.

Needless to say, the odor in the stinky shoes was instantly vanquished. So I tested it out in my kitchen trash can a few days later, worked great. It even passed the stinky bathroom test.

So if you’re looking for a way to get rid of odor, and like to use natural products, I’d recommend giving this spray a go. If you’d like some, here’s the direct link on Amazon, Natural Odor Eliminator Spray.

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