4 Lessons You Need To Teach Your Young Driver

You may be fully confident in your own driving and not need too many tips, yourself, but can you say the same about the fledgling drivers in the family who just earned their license? We have a tendency to believe that we know everything we need to after passing the test, which is why young drivers are one of the highest risk groups out there. As such, it’s important as the mature adult in this situation to take the time to drill some lessons in their head and also give them contacts of an emergency towing service or visit expresstowing.ie to find information on pricing and services.

It is also important that you know where to get local towing services USA whenever you find yourself out of gas or looking at a totaled vehicle.

Your new motorcycle will be a weight that’s different from the one you’re familiar with. For new riders, it will be heavier than the motorcycles you learned to ride on in a parking lot. It will handle and perform entirely different to what you are accustomed to and likely more powerful. For new models and used motorcycles, you may visit check out www.cleanharleys.com and grab yours now. 

With a scooter it’s easy to weave through traffic, and a journey that might take 30 minutes of sitting in non-moving traffic inside a taxi, might be just a whim of 5 minutes, when riding a scooter! This instructional video will help you learn how ride an automatic motorbike or scooter. Always remember to wear a helmet which is now mandatory by law according to the local lawyer firms. 

A scooter for sale is a great way to enjoy the freedom of riding on two wheels, even if your legs are not exactly strong! Even though a moped has generally been considered a poor investment when it comes to buying a vehicle, you can often save money in exchange for the number of years you will have to pay for it. While it used to be relatively uncommon to find a moped for sale, the Internet has changed the way that many people shop for their next ride. With many online stores (check reviews first at go2scooter.com ) selling scooters and even some offering special offers to first time purchasers, finding the right model and brand for you and your budget should be quite easy.

The Honda Motorcycles CL450 for sale is a new hot model on the block and it has all the features you would want in one of the smallest full-size bikes on the market today. It comes standard with a steel frame, but it also has a new battery, larger gas tank, smoother engine, front and rear shocks, dual disc brakes, torque-limited gearbox, and aluminum handles. It has all the makings of a high performance machine that could be your next choice for a reliable, easy to ride, and safe bike. If you are looking for a new bike that has everything everyone is raving about, check out the Honda Motorcycle Cl450 for sale.

teach your yound driver

Fancycrave1 – Pixabay License

Proactive maintenance is a must

There are plenty of good reasons to get to grips with routine car maintenance. Car repairs are costly, even if you take the time to try and cut their costs, and you can prevent them by taking better care of your car or by spotting issues early. Furthermore, some of the most common problems are also some of the most dangerous. For instance, a worn brake pad can diminish your stopping power on the road, when every second of reaction time counts in a crisis.

Safety features are important in any choice of car

If your young driver is buying (or being bought) a car, then it’s important to make sure that they have the right priorities behind their choice. Sure, they might love the look and feel, and fuel efficiency is important, too, but you have to check for some of the most important safety features as listed by online car information resource Cars Direct. ABs, stability control, and other automated safety features can make sure that even if they’re panicking in a bad situation, their car has their back.

They’re sharing the road

Defensive driving is not a skill that’s often taught in standard driving lessons, but one that’s very much worth teaching. According to an auto accident attorney, the most important of all is teaching your young drivers to acknowledge their blind spots and be aware of other vehicles on the road, especially ones that can slip into their blind spots like motorcycles. Motorcycle accident lawyers, Rosenfeld Lawyers, show that these kinds of accidents are increasing, often due to the fact that drivers fail to notice and respect motorcyclists on the road. Needless to say, that can get your young driver in a lot of trouble.

In the highway patrol accident report, there were 33,654 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2018 in which 36,560 deaths occurred and thousands more were seriously injured, according to a personal injury lawyer. This resulted in 11.2 deaths per 100,000 people and 1.13 deaths per 100 million miles traveled. The fatality rate per 100,000 people ranged from 4.4 in the District of Columbia to 22.2 in Mississippi. If you are in a car accident make sure to contact a personal injury lawyer or a car accident attorney for guidance or if a death is involved might as well look for a wrongful death attorney. For any legal advice you may go to a law office like the Valiente Mott legal firm for consultation.


The risks of distraction

One of the most common causes of accidents for youth drivers, according to tyre experts, Supa Quick, is distraction, which causes 25% of all road deaths and the majority of car towing services calls. Teenagers are likely to be distracted by their phones, by passengers in their seat, and by simple lapse of concentration.

The ability to avoid distraction on the road is all about discipline, which is something that most teenagers haven’t learned yet, so it’s important to impose some rules that keep their focus on the road until they can self-impose them. In case an accident happens, because they can happen at any  time even if your are not the responsible, remember all the safety measures listed before and take in to account hiring a DUI defense attorney in case you have to go to court to get a compensation for any injury or damage to the vehicle.

Any seasoned driver knows that you never really stop learning and stop improving (or stop stagnating if you don’t aim to improve.) Get your kids (or nephews/nieces) into the habit of learning now so that they never fall out of it and into much worse habits.

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