Lockdown DIY Projects to Ease Your Stress

If you’ve been feeling anxious and stressed lately, it’s not hard to imagine why. The lockdown associated with COVID-19 has meant a lot of people are spending more time indoors than usual, and many financial worries are coming to surface. You might also be bored, so these lockdown DIY projects will hopefully help take your mind off the stressors, at least temporarily.

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DIY project to ease stress

Before Starting the Project

Before you begin, though, make sure if you are renting that you have the property owner’s approval first. While they might welcome updates to the home, others might be less happy about what you plan to do to a room.

Also, always practice safety first. If you’ve never done a plumbing project before, now is not a good time to have the water seep all over the place. Okay, there’s never a good time for that to happen, but you get what I mean.

You can also get great tips for the DIY project you intend to do on YouTube. Watch videos from experts there when you want to get some innovative ideas. If you’re curious, see a Large Tree Moving Service in action on Youtube you can pause the video whenever you want and re-watch sections; learn at your own pace.

Freshen Up Your Furniture

If you have a coffee table and side tables that are starting to show their long life, then it might be time to refinish them. If this DIY project has been on your mind, but you haven’t had time before, you likely can fit it into your at-home schedule now.

Start by sanding the top down to remove the old finish. This project could cause a lot of mess so put a drop cloth down or, better yet, take the project outdoors so that you don’t accidentally damage anything indoors.

Next, clean the top of the table with a mix of warm water with mild liquid dish detergent. Gently rub the solution over the tabletop using a soft cloth. The goal here is to remove dirt that has built up over time.

Then wipe it again with a dry cloth. The next step is the best because it will make such a great difference to the top of your coffee table and end tables!

Apply furniture oil if you want to keep the natural look of the wood. The oil will soak into the wood, which protects it, and if you add a lot of it then it will darken the look.

Alternatively, you can add a wood stain. When guests come over, they’re likely to think that you got new furniture and will be impressed with your DIY skills.

Gardening Potting Bench

Now is a great time to create a bench for potting plants. If you’re a lover of flowers and all greenery then this project will make you smile.

For the planter bench, you will need a tape measure and a drill with bits to complete the project. Get the tools you need from at a low price online with a Toolstation discount code.

Upcycle the bench you make by using old fence boards and paint them in a colorful hue like light blue. They will form the back of the bench.

Begin by using two frames (2 x 3s ideally) and then add the 2×4 legs. Make sure the height is one that you’ll be comfortable at as you stand at the bench to create amazing flower baskets.

Next, add the privacy fencing boards at the back using wood glue and screws. For the shelf, add another fence board; this one is cut to fit the width of the back. Attach the shelf to a 2×3 and then attach it to the board back. Use metal shelf brackets to ensure it’s sturdy.

Add more fence boards to complete the work surface, after you’ve cut them to fit. Additional fence boards are great for the bottom as well. Don’t forget that if you are not happy with wooden fences, you can find an aluminum fence instead.

You can keep its natural wood look by adding a deck oil or stain with oil instead. For full details, simply follow the steps here.

Finding Activities That You Enjoy Doing

If you are a DIY enthusiast, now is a great time to get yourself busy with projects. Turn the time spent at home into a productive one while you are in lockdown. It can help to take your mind off from stress. In case you need some extra help to deal with the stress, Buying hemp oil capsules is probably help you.

Finally, be kind to yourself if you are feeling down or upset one day. It’s okay to be emotional during this tough time. Keep what’s important in perspective and be true to yourself. The DIY activities around the house will help lift your mood when you’re ready to do them.

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