What Is a Pergola? Learn About This Season’s Outdoor Trend

pergolaAs summer approaches everyone wants to make the most of the great weather and spend more time outside. Make your backyard the place to be this summer with the addition of a pergola.

What is a pergola you ask?

Well, the answer to that question is rather simple: it is a structure, usually wooden, consisting of columns and a slatted roof. They are often covered in climbing plants adding beauty, interest, and appeal to any outdoor area.

Why Should I Install a Pergola?

1. Pergolas Add Style
Pergolas can take a backyard from drab to fab remarkably quickly and easily. They are a great way to add your personal flair and design aesthetics to a backyard without breaking the bank.

2. Pergolas Create Definitive Spaces
Pergolas are a great way to designate a sitting area or gathering space. They can literally create a sort of “room” in your backyard without the need for true walls or a ceiling allowing you to still enjoy the warm air and sunshine. Drapes can also be added to pergolas to give occupants privacy and further define the space.

3. Pergolas Provide Shade
While it is great to soak up some sunshine too much can be unbearable and dangerous. Depending on the construction of your pergola it can create some much-needed shade in your backyard allowing you to spend time outside without endangering yourself or your family with too much exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays. Optional canopies can also be installed on the roof or your pergola to further aid its shade producing capabilities.

Which Plants are the Best to Grow on a Pergola?

1. Bougainville
These flowers are beautifully vibrant and come in a variety of colors in the purple and pink family to satisfy any decorative aesthetic. They are a fairly hardy plant that climbs very easily. However, they do have thorns, so they may not be the best plant to use if you have small children or animals that could be affected.

2. Wisteria
These flowers generally bloom in a light purple color that is very soothing and calming. The cascading look of these flowers is quite gorgeous and unique. The plant is native to China, Korea, and Japan but it has been widely introduced throughout the eastern United States.

3. Jasmine
These flowers are gorgeously white and give off a strong fragrance that many people find desirable and soothing. However, it is important to keep in mind that some people may be allergic to this plant or become nauseated by its intense smell. Otherwise, these flowers make great climbing plants that would add elegance to any pergola.

How Do I Install a Pergola?

Once that you’ve decided that a pergola is perfect for your backyard you will now have to figure out how to get one installed. However, there is no need to worry because there are many companies throughout the country that specialize in pergola design and construction.

It is important to speak to a designer first to make sure that your needs are met and that you will get exactly what you want. Make sure the company that you contact is reputable and experienced. It also advised that you conduct business with a company that has expertise in several outdoor design and construction facets so that if you decide you want additional work done you do not have to juggle working with several different companies.

One such company in Fort Worth, Texas has experience in wood fences, decks, and gates in addition to pergolas so that you can fully transform your backyard with the help of just one company. Regardless of where your pergola installation search takes you, hopefully you will find exactly what you need and be one step closer to a summer filled with quality time spent outdoors with friends and family in the shade of your new pergola.

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