Five Ways to Lower Your Carbon Footprint at Home

Going green has been on the tips of our tongues for the last 15-20 years. We all know the benefits of recycling and carpooling but there is still so much more we can do to lessen our impact on Earth. If you are concerned about what you can do, here are five ways to lower your carbon footprint:

Get Solar Panels

Solar panels are an excellent way to stop relying on fossil fuels and use the greatest renewable energy source in the solar system. Carbon dioxide is emitted from homes that use traditional forms of electricity. Solar energy results in zero emissions which means when you get residential solar panel installation to power your home, you are already cutting out a big chunk of toxins into the atmosphere. If you are concerned about not knowing very much about solar energy, don’t worry. Top solar companies in Utah and elsewhere have been educating their clientele so that homeowners can make the best, and most affordable, decisions regarding solar power installation.

Make Your Lighting Work For You

We need light to function and yet we may still be using the wrong lighting or too much. Firstly, you should make sure all of your light bulbs are energy efficient LEDs. By switching your light bulbs to something more energy efficient, you will use less electricity to power up your lamps. Many people still assume that LED light bulbs are dim and not very helpful. Technology has changed and these lights are perfectly bright for use.

Don’t forget to consider embracing natural light as well. Sky tubes are a popular way to bring in sunlight without compromising privacy. They can easily brighten a small room on a bright sunny day and you can avoid using lights until it’s very dark outside. They are ideal for bathrooms and laundry rooms.

Swap Out Your Appliances

If you haven’t changed your appliances to Energy Star appliances, now is the time to begin doing that. These appliances are often a little less expensive than their energy-sucking competitors and they can save you tons on your light bill. We recommend that you make changes with your appliances that are the oldest first, such as your water heater. You can then change your most actively used appliances, like your refrigerator, to start saving on your bill.

Check Your Insulation

Many homeowners don’t check their insulation as much as they should. Any gaps in insulation or seals around the home can create vortexes where energy is used up more to keep the home at a comfortable temperature. If you are worried about the expense of having your home insulation checked and updated, look to see if your state has any programs that support updating the home. Many states do have programs that can help homeowners take care of making their homes more energy efficient.

Change Your Thermostat

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, you should consider getting one. You can set it so that it stops heating/cooling the home when you are not there. It will save you plenty on your electricity bill because the house won’t be working around the clock to maintain a specific temperature.

One of the best things about lowering your carbon footprint at home is that many options are also a tax break. If you add solar panels or change appliances, can add up to a nice tax deduction. If you check the seals around the windows, you could potentially save on homeowner’s insurance because it does double duty at securing the home. And when you receive your electricity bill, you will be a very happy camper!

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