Cherry Blossom Wall
OKAY, right now I am super in love with Cherry Blossom trees and having them on my wall. I had two major’s in college, one was Exercise Science (Kinesiology), and the other was ART, so I could totally paint this myself. However, I am in a leased home right now, and painting anything on the wall, isn’t going to fly, but I found a site “My Friend Matilda” where I can actually purchase a cherry blossom tree, in vinyl, for my wall. LOVVEEEEE ITTTTT!!!!Here are a few other Cherry Blossom Branches that I completely adore as well.
I found these at “Single Stone Studios”
I think the added touch of birdies is so lively!! Find these ***HERE*** They have tonz and tonz of choices. Yes…I am in love with the cherry blossom branch right now, but they have Aspen groves, Poppies, Dandelions, Giraffes, giant compasses, and so much more!!!
Have I mentioned, that bold colors look so great with the branch?!!
Now, my guest room is very similar to this one right now, and I am thinking this Cherry Blossom tree coming out behind the bed looks AWESOME..(said really high pitched)…..but I still have the super itch to paint it myself!!