How To Arrange Pictures
This is one of my favorite topics! I have had the privilege of helping out quite a few people decorate their homes …
This is one of my favorite topics! I have had the privilege of helping out quite a few people decorate their homes …
Yeah….WOO HOOO!!! I love freebies! And our Sponsor “Swamp People Shirts .com” has given Good Ideas and Tips .com one of their …
I always welcome a good idea or clever tip, and today one of our fabulous readers, Cynthia Cunnngham, has shared one of …
Do you run out of things to do with your little ones. Well, PlayDoh has saved the day for us!We love this …
We were visiting a small town in Arizona called Fountain Hills. While we were there, our little family ran across this awesome …
I just saw these at a local Craft Store and I love the idea! After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, there was …
Well, I know Halloween may seem far away, but it’s just around the corner! My girls have been planning their costumes since …
Did I mention, that we have the greatest readers??!!! Well, we do! And Fran Walker is one of them. Here is her super clever idea that she has shared with us. Good Ideas “This is something I developed to keep potato pancakes, or anything you’re frying, from getting too greasy after you’re done frying the stuff.
Here at Good Ideas and Tips dot com, we have some of the best readers on the web!!! And sometimes our readers …
Do you have achy muscles from the flu? Here is a natural remedy you can mix up at home… Mix 1 Tbsp. …
I love these little helpful tips. So whenever I find one, I am a eager beaver to share! *Before you head to …
I am so proud of this guy and his good idea to help his fellow people! “See a Need, Fill a Need!” …
**A Favorite Deer Story of Mine… ps, You Ask Why, Well… Because I Was Raised By a Hunter!** Why we shoot deer …
Are you an Archer? Did you know there was a tip to tuning your broadheads… Well there is and I found it …
I found these delicious looking doughnuts on SouthernPlate.com and I am going to make them today. I know my girlies will love …
So this week, I been up to sew good!! I had some great fabric from Hobby Lobby and JoAnn’s Fabric, and I …
I just received this awesome video that teaches a super easy way to peel potatoes! I am amazed and will definitely be …
I found the coolest craft to do if you have a few extra zippers laying around.There is a complete tutorial on making …
Do you have a Sore Throat? Just mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and take 1 Tbsp. of …
I saw this clever idea on Pinterest and instantly fell in love with the concept. I have used a mop bucket a …
This is a fun list of 38 fun things to do with the kiddos.1. Write the alphabet. 2. Spell Five Words 3. …
So it is said, that Colgate Toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns. Do you think it burns when you put it …
While I was still over visiting My Kotori Blog, Tonya had the greatest idea that had come to her from her sister…I …
I love this idea from Peace Creek On the Prairie, because it keeps things organized for the kids or yourself. It can …
Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe down your pet with Bounce or any dryer sheet instantly making …